Sample texts
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Sample texts for reading practice.
Here you will find some sample texts for reading practice. The Russian texts are set alongside their English translations, which will make it easier to read and understand.
Universal Declariaton of Human Rights Article 1 - 5
Universal Declariaton of Human Rights - Article 6 - 10
Universal Declariaton of Human Rights - Article 11 - 15
Universal Declariaton of Human Rights - Article 16 - 20
Universal Declariaton of Human Rights - Article 21 - 25
Universal Declariaton of Human Rights - Article 26 - 30
Proverbs, sayings and quotes
Proverbs Which are the same in Russian and English.
Proverbs - Which are slightly dfferent in Russian and English.
Proverbs - With the same meaning in Russian and English, but a completely different way of expression
Proverbs - Typical Russian proverbs.
Quotes - Some inspirational quotes, from science, philosophy, comedians, television.
Schleicher`s Fable - The Horse and the Sheep
The Lord`s Prayer
Literary text fragments
Aleksandr Pushkin - A Winter Evening
Aleksandr Blok - Night, street, lamp, drugstore
Ivan Turgenev - Fathers and sons (fragment)
Lev Tolstoy - Childhood (fragment)
Lev Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (fragment)
Mikhail Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time (fragment)
National Anthem of the Russian Federation
National Anthem of the Soviet-Union (1944)
National Anthem of the Soviet-Union (1977)
Katyusha - Apple and pear trees were blossoming...
Polyushka Polye - Song of the Plains...
The song of the Volga Boat Men - Oh, Volga, mother of all rivers....
Frère Jacques (Brother John)
Tip: sing along with the lyrics of the songs while listening to the music.
"Vrijheid is ondeelbaar. en als één mens in slavernij leeft is niemand vrij.
Свобода неделима: если хотя бы один человек порабощен, все не свободны.